Thursday, March 1, 2012

The end is near...

After four weeks of working on Project Pilsen, our experiment is coming to a close...
As a group we initially hoped to attract followers to the blog Art Pilsen, and using social media tools--promote the interactivity of the site.  Though I think we succeeded in our efforts, here are a few additional conclusions I have drawn over the course of the study.

1.) Small sites=huge impact
 I was very surprised by the positive feedback of community members in response to our blog...Whether they be neighborhood artists, or Pilsen natives--everyone was eager to get involved with the project.

2.) Sites like Art Pilsen, are often run by motivated, charismatic individuals--who have a great idea, and want to display it for the public (case in point Miguel Cortez)...The problem is--they have full time jobs in addition to running blogs and news pages.  We were able to provide some extra manpower for Art Pilsen (needed to reach a larger population of users), however, most sites don't have the volunteers or the resources to fund employees.

3.) It took a lot of work, thought, and time to manage a running blog! I found it extremely difficult to constantly post new, thought-provoking material for readers.  You want to impress your audience with your findings and encourage feedback, but often times I felt as if I was reiterating thoughts--or struggling to be innovative.

Hopefully, as a group we can continue to work with ArtPilsen in the future--even if it means less frequently.  I want to see neighborhood sites like this one succeed...

-Monica M.

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