Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Artist snapshot: Rebecca Beachy (Part 2 of 2)

(Continued from Part 1)

Who’s your all-time favorite artist?
I don’t have an all-time favorite, but the influence of a few key artists can be found in this latest installation: Joseph Beuys’ fat corners, Richard Serra’s corners and Carl Andre’s bricks, Lawrence Weiner’s cut wall piece, to name a few. I wouldn’t say they are my favorites, but their work has clearly wiggled into my work for one reason or another. I recently heard Wolfgang Laib speak, and I think the way he approaches his work is admirable. I was able to ask him if he collects all of the pollen for his installations himself, and he said he’s been tipping flowers by himself every Spring for decades—that’s a LOT of time collecting pollen! The work might be just a large yellow square of pollen, but the scale of the flowers and the bees, and the personal labor in the fields, comes through—nearly knocks you over! He positions the material as enough and occupies a position of humility towards it.

How would you describe your style?
My style is nest-like and digestive :)

What other types of mediums do you hope to experiment with?
I’ve been thinking I’d like to experiment with sound. I had a recent revelation about the role of horse bodies in string instruments—I’d like to find a way to use the horsehair bow in a way that consciously brings the presence of the horse back into the music.

What do you think of art in the Pilsen area?
I think at it’s best, Pilsen has a great playful vibe. Like the recent volleyball show “Short Court: Tropical Aesthletics” at Antena, where the sports-themed work was literally getting banged around and knocked off the walls by the volleyball tournaments taking place in the tiny room at the opening. Adam Farcus actually conscripted a women’s volleyball team to make his work for him. There is literally a great energy happening within this kind of exhibition.
I was delighted to have the opportunity to work with both Eel Space and Roxaboxen. As a coop, Roxaboxen does a whole lot to foster a healthy arts community in the area. Likewise, ACRE Projects has been working really hard to bring young artists together.

What do you think of the art scene in Chicago?
I think it’s wonderfully nourishing—just small enough. I love knowing I can show up at most shows and run into friends and colleagues.

- Irish

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